Thursday, August 30, 2012

Let's Open Up a National Chain of Health Clubs, Non-profit of course.

 Below is an excerpt from Public Law 111-148, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  More commonly called Obama Care.  I have underlined some items I find of special interest.  Looks to me like we should have a lot of people getting jobs.  I particularly like the part about "such sums as may [might] be necessary."

‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary,[of Health and Human Services] acting through the Director  of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall establish a national diabetes prevention program (referred to in this section as the ‘program’) targeted at adults at high risk for diabetes in order to eliminate the preventable burden of diabetes.

‘‘(b) PROGRAM ACTIVITIES.—The program described in subsection
(a) shall include—

‘‘(1) a grant program for community-based diabetes prevention
program model sites;

‘‘(2) a program within the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention to determine eligibility of entities to deliver
community-based diabetes prevention services;

‘‘(3) a training and outreach program for lifestyle intervention
instructors; and

‘‘(4) evaluation, monitoring and technical assistance, and
applied research carried out by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.

‘‘(c) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES.—To be eligible for a grant under subsection
(b)(1), an entity shall be a State or local health department, a tribal organization, a national network of community-based nonprofits focused on health and wellbeing, an academic institution, or other entity, as the Secretary determines.

carrying out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated
such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2010 through