Saturday, July 16, 2011

What were they thinking?

It seems to me that for years now, since the early 1990s, America has not been working to make America a great country, or world leader in economics.

Big government and big business have not been working to make this country better, stronger, or a world leader. Look at all the companies that have left America, because they could make more money with their factories outside the United States. Are these not American companies making products for Americans?

Once you start closing the factories and laying off workers who do you think is going to buy your product? Unemployed Americans? Why does China hold more American debt than any other country? Must be that they have the money to lend. Where did they get it, from the Chinese people? Maybe they got it from us every time we buy something that says, "Made in China."

We are buying oil from the middle east to drive our cars made in Mexico. Meanwhile, the government is requiring Americans to buy light bulbs made in China.

Why are Mexicans trying to get into this country? They have most of our jobs now.

From the web site,

With an Increase in Mexican Investment, Mexican Manufacturing Rates Are Growing

Fri, 2011-06-24

With manufacturing rates rapidly rising since last year, Mexico is fast-becoming a world-leader of the manufacturing business. In 2010, Mexican manufacturing rates jumped up to 2.261 million vehicles, a staggering 50 percent increase from 2009. Fast-forward to May of this year, May alone yields a five-month boost for Mexico exports. As reported by the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry, Mexico produced more than 213,000 cars in May and saw a 21.3 percent increase in exports.

Poor people want to get rich, rich people want to get richer. Politicians want to get re-elected. Everyone wants the good life, but who defines that life? CEO's want bigger profits. Labor unions want more wages, everyone wants a free lunch. There is no free lunch.

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