Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Land of Opportunity

I believe that we have lost sight of what this country is.  This is a land of opportunity. 

Inscribed below the Statue of Liberty that stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, are the words,

“Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
  The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The entire sonnet, The New Colossus, by Emma Lazarus is inscribed upon the plaque, but these are the most often quoted lines.  These words embody one of the basic principles upon which our nation was built.  This country was built by people who left everything they knew, and took a chance at a new life, and by their children who accepted this new land as their home.  These people sought opportunity.  These were the risk-takers.

Our nation was built by risk-takers.  The people in Boston that threw the tea in harbor were taking risks.  The signers of the Declaration of Independence were taking risks.  The colonists who fought the British Army were taking risks.  The Americans that left the eastern cities to head west for land or gold were taking risks.  The Rockefellers, The Carnages, Edison, Ford, the Wright Brothers, and so many others were taking risks.

And for every risk-taker that was successful, there were dozens of others who failed. Every small business owner, every farmer, every rancher, every scientist looking for the next great discovery is a risk-taker.  And for every one that is successful, dozens will fail.  Why do they do it?  They do it because we are the nation built by those who would take the risk, those who sought the opportunity to succeed, knowing that they might fail.  With success comes a better life.

It seems to me that we have now reached a point where there are those who want to remove the risks; they want an even amount of success for all.  If you succeed, they would have you share your success through higher taxes with those who failed, or worse yet, with those who never even tried.   

I do believe in charity, but I believe that it is the individual who should decide how he or she will share with the less successful.  The more the government attempts to redistribute the rewards, the less the risk an individual is apt to take.  In the past it has been the greater the risk the greater the reward.  Now it seems some would say the greater the reward the greater the burden to share with those who did not succeed.

It occurs to me that this governmental attitude is in many ways like the Medieval practice of the Catholic Church selling indulgences.   Perhaps what we need is a modern day Martin Luther.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

THE Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee

Ever hear of the IPRCC.  Wasn't it Bill Clinton who is often quoted, or miss quoted as saying, "I feel your pain."  Well Obamacare is doing something about it.  Yep, the Affordable Health Care Act has allowed the formation of another Federal Committee to summarize research, identify gaps, and make recommendations.  Let's all get together and sing Kubia.


IPRCC Healthcare Act Provisions

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Public Law 111-148) provisions related to the Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee are as follows:
  1. Establishment - The Secretary shall establish not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this section and as necessary maintain a committee, to be known as the Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (in this section referred to as the 'Committee'), to coordinate all efforts within the Department of Health and Human Services and other Federal agencies that relate to pain research.
  2. Membership -
    1. In general.--The Committee shall be composed of the following voting members: (i) Not more than 7 voting Federal representatives appoint by the Secretary from agencies that conduct pain care research and treatment. (ii) 12 additional voting members appointed under subparagraph (B).
    2. Additional members.--The Committee shall include additional voting members appointed by the Secretary as follows: (i) 6 non-Federal members shall be appointed from among scientists, physicians, and other health professionals. (ii) 6 members shall be appointed from members of the general public, who are representatives of leading research, advocacy, and service organizations for individuals with pain- related conditions.
    3. Nonvoting members.--The Committee shall include such nonvoting members as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.
  3. Chairperson - The voting members of the Committee shall select a chairperson from among such members. The selection of a chairperson shall be subject to the approval of the Director of NIH.
  4. Meetings - The Committee shall meet at the call of the chairperson of the Committee or upon the request of the Director of NIH, but in no case less often than once each year.
  5. Duties - The Committee shall-
    1. develop a summary of advances in pain care research supported or conducted by the Federal agencies relevant to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of pain and diseases and disorders associated with pain;
    2. identify critical gaps in basic and clinical research on the symptoms and causes of pain;
    3. make recommendations to ensure that the activities of the National Institutes of Health and other Federal agencies are free of unnecessary duplication of effort;
    4. make recommendations on how best to disseminate information on pain care; and
    5. make recommendations on how to expand partnerships between public entities and private entities to expand collaborative, cross-cutting research.
  6. Review - The Secretary shall review the necessity of the Committee at least once every 2 years.
Full text of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148).

Second Meeting of the Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee
NIH Campus
Building 31—6th Floor, Conference Room 10
Bethesda, Maryland
October 22, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

You Can't Unring the Bell -- The Law is the Law

February 25, 2012 in her 14-minute speech in Charlotte, North Carolina, to the  Human Rights Campaign (HRC) gala (the country's largest gay and lesbian civil rights group) Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, democrat Kathleen Sebelius,  said that a host of Obama-initiated advances for the gay community could be "wiped out in a heartbeat" if the Republican presidential nominee wins this year.

Read more here:

Read more here: the Charlotte Convention Center,Democrat Sebelius, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said a host of Obama-initiated advances for the gay community - including repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the militaryHuman Rights Campaign, the country's largest gay and lesbian civil rights group.

Read more here: Sebelius, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said a host of Obama-initiated advances for the gay community - including repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the military - could be "wiped out in a heartbeat" if the Republican presidential nominee wins this year.

Read more here:
These statements were a direct violation of the Hatch Act which prohibits appointed government officials from engaging in campaign activities in an official role.

Read more here: Sebelius, violated the Hatch Act. (This law prohibits federal employees from using their official authority to influence an election, although it allows partisan remarks made in a personal capacity.)
 Her official response was that any violation was "technical and minor" and was corrected after her official trip was reclassified as political, and the government was repaid for her travel. (The Democratic National Committee reimbursed the government $2,514.50 for the portion of the trip that was deemed political.)

This "event" was investigated by The United States Office of Special Council, and they reported to the office of the President, last week.  Below are portions of their report as found on the Internet.

  Secretary Sebelius was Invited, in her Official Capacity as HHS Secretary, to be the Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker at the February 25, 2012, Human Rights Campaign Gala. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a private, nonprofit civil rights organization that works to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans.
 Every year HRC holds several gala events. This year, HRC invited Secretary Sebelius to speak at its gala in Charlotte, North Carolina. HHS considered the Secretary’s appearance at the HRC gala to be in her official capacity. Secretary Sebelius’ calendar and a briefing memo prepared by her staff identified the event as official. In addition, online invitations to the event referred to her as “Secretary Kathleen Sebelius” and “Secretary of DHHS Kathleen Sebelius.”
   The Secretary’s Remarks at the HRC Gala Advocated the Reelection of President Obama and the Election of Lt. Governor Dalton Prior to the HRC gala, the Secretary received a briefing memo. The briefing memo provided background on the event. The memo recommended ways to respond to certain
questions and suggested that if asked about her personal views, she respond by stating, “I’m here to represent the President and the Obama Administration, not in my personal capacity.” The briefing memo also contained eight pages of a speech outline, which was later displayed on multiple teleprompter screens while the Secretary delivered her speech. 
 Secretary Sebelius appeared at the HRC gala in her official capacity as HHS Secretary. As explained above, twice during the speech, Secretary Sebelius diverged from her prepared remarks. First, she endorsed the gubernatorial campaign of North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Walter Dalton and stated that it is “hugely important” to elect a Democratic Governor in North Carolina. Although Secretary Sebelius testified that she “had not intended to endorse him,” her words had that effect. Because she made this endorsement in her official capacity as HHS Secretary, she violated the Hatch Act.
 In addition, Secretary Sebelius advocated for the reelection of President Obama in a series of extemporaneous remarks. Secretary Sebelius suggested that the effort to defeat Amendment One on the ballot in May could serve as a “great template to do what needs to be done to organize people and turn out people for November.” She noted that North Carolina is critical in the next election and emphasized that it is “hugely important to make sure we reelect the President.” These statements were made in Secretary Sebelius’ official capacity and therefore violated the Hatch Act’s prohibition against using official authority or influence to affect the results of an election.
 Secretary Sebelius Violated the Hatch Act When She Gave Her Keynote Speech at the February 25, 2012, HRC Gala

Hatch Act violations can be firing offenses for federal employees, but it appears unlikely that Sebelius will be disciplined.  Statements made in an official role can not be reclassified after the fact, and they become public knowledge.  The bell was rung you can not unring it.

By the way, this is the woman in charge of Obamacare.  Will she be as open minded about "technical and minor" offenses  in the implementation of that law?

Read more here:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

An Example of the Federal Government's Work in Health Care

As a military retiree, I depend upon Medicare and TRICARE for my health needs.  As an introduction to TRICARE for those of you without a military background, I am including information from their web-site below.  Express Scripts manages the prescription portion of TRICARE.

From the official TRICARE web sites
TRICARE is the health care program for Uniformed Service members, retirees and their families worldwide.                 
 TRICARE Management Activity (TMA) ensures, with the support of the Surgeons General of the Military Departments, that Department of Defense (DoD) policy on health care is consistently, effectively and efficiently implemented throughout the Military Health System (MHS). The TMA is an activity of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)
Express Scripts, in line with TRICARE Management Activity's commitment to the efficient management of the TRICARE Pharmacy benefit, has determined it will maintain the same robust retail pharmacy network of more than 57,000 pharmacies available to TRICARE beneficiaries. Walgreens will remain designated as a non-network pharmacy provider for TRICARE beneficiaries.

Walgreens left the TRICARE retail pharmacy network when their contract with Express Scripts expired on December 31, 2011. On July 19, 2012, Express Scripts and Walgreens announced a new network agreement for Walgreens participation in one of Express Scripts networks. However, in line with TRICARE Management Activity’s commitment to the efficient management of the TRICARE Pharmacy benefit, Walgreens will remain designated as a non-network pharmacy provider for TRICARE beneficiaries.

It is my understanding that Walgreens is the largest pharmacy chain in America.  Up until last December we used them for our Rx medications.  They are close to our home, reliable, have 24 hour service in some locations and can be used almost anywhere we travel in the USA.  

What we now have is a pharmacy with set, shorter hours, is not national, and not nearly as convenient, yet was the best we could find beyond Walgreens.  "Non-network pharmacy provider" means I can use Walgreens, but pay the full amount, then must ask TRICARE/Express Scripts for a partial reimbursement.  I have lost my freedom of choice. Or, I have lost my prescription drug medical coverage. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Let's Open Up a National Chain of Health Clubs, Non-profit of course.

 Below is an excerpt from Public Law 111-148, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  More commonly called Obama Care.  I have underlined some items I find of special interest.  Looks to me like we should have a lot of people getting jobs.  I particularly like the part about "such sums as may [might] be necessary."

‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary,[of Health and Human Services] acting through the Director  of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall establish a national diabetes prevention program (referred to in this section as the ‘program’) targeted at adults at high risk for diabetes in order to eliminate the preventable burden of diabetes.

‘‘(b) PROGRAM ACTIVITIES.—The program described in subsection
(a) shall include—

‘‘(1) a grant program for community-based diabetes prevention
program model sites;

‘‘(2) a program within the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention to determine eligibility of entities to deliver
community-based diabetes prevention services;

‘‘(3) a training and outreach program for lifestyle intervention
instructors; and

‘‘(4) evaluation, monitoring and technical assistance, and
applied research carried out by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.

‘‘(c) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES.—To be eligible for a grant under subsection
(b)(1), an entity shall be a State or local health department, a tribal organization, a national network of community-based nonprofits focused on health and wellbeing, an academic institution, or other entity, as the Secretary determines.

carrying out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated
such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2010 through

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Not only is this Health care Insurance Tax Act going to be very taxing, it is also going to be very "taxing" [taxing, something that burdens or strains.] The costs involved in this affordable care law could probably pay for enough doctors and nurses to take care of all our needy citizens.

Look at SEC. 1502 and just imagine how many new jobs are being created here: accountants, secretaries, filling clerks, lawyers, data processors, human resources assistants, paper manufacturers, optometrists, psychiatrists, marriage councilors, it just boggles my mind.    


(a) IN GENERAL.—Part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting after subpart C the following new subpart:

‘‘Subpart D—Information Regarding Health Insurance Coverage

‘‘Sec. 6055. Reporting of health insurance coverage.


 Yes, the ACT/Law repeats this title, once in small print, once in all caps.

‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Every person who provides minimum essential coverage to an individual during a calendar year shall, at such time as the Secretary [Not sure if that is the Secretary of Health and Human Services or the Secretary of the Treasury.] may prescribe, make a return described in subsection (b).


‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A return is described in this subsection
if such return—

‘‘(A) is in such form as the Secretary may prescribe, and

‘‘(B) contains—

‘‘(i) the name, address and TIN of the primary insured and the name and TIN of each other individual obtaining coverage under the policy,

‘‘(ii) the dates during which such individual was covered under minimum essential coverage during the calendar year,

‘‘(iii) in the case of minimum essential coverage which consists of health insurance coverage, information concerning—

‘‘(I) whether or not the coverage is a qualified health plan offered through an Exchange established under section 1311 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and

‘‘(II) in the case of a qualified health plan, the amount (if any) of any advance payment under section 1412 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of any cost-sharing reduction under section 1402 of such Act or of any premium tax credit under section 36B with respect to such coverage, and

‘‘(iv) such other information as the Secretary may require.

If minimum essential coverage provided to an individual under subsection (a) consists of health insurance coverage of a health insurance issuer provided through a group health plan of an employer, a return described in this subsection shall include—

‘‘(A) the name, address, and employer identification number of the employer maintaining the plan,

‘‘(B) the portion of the premium (if any) required to be paid by the employer, and

‘‘(C) if the health insurance coverage is a qualified health plan in the small group market offered through an Exchange, such other information as the Secretary may require for administration of the credit under section 45R (relating to credit for employee health insurance expenses of small employers).


‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Every person required to make a return under subsection (a) shall furnish to each individual whose name is required to be set forth in such return a written statement showing—

‘‘(A) the name and address of the person required to make such return and the phone number of the information contact for such person, and

‘‘(B) the information required to be shown on the return with respect to such individual.

‘‘(2) TIME FOR FURNISHING STATEMENTS.—The written statement required under paragraph (1) shall be furnished on or before January 31 of the year following the calendar year for which the return under subsection (a) was required to be made.

‘‘(d) COVERAGE PROVIDED BY GOVERNMENTAL UNITS.—In the case of coverage provided by any governmental unit or any agency or instrumentality thereof, the officer or employee who enters into the agreement to provide such coverage (or the person appropriately designated for purposes of this section) shall make the returns
and statements required by this section.

‘‘(e) MINIMUM ESSENTIAL COVERAGE.—For purposes of this section, the term ‘minimum essential coverage’ has the meaning given such term by section 5000A(f).’’.


(1) Subparagraph (B) of section 6724(d)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to definitions) is amended by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of clause (xxii), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of clause (xxiii) and inserting ‘‘or’’, and by inserting after clause (xxiii) the following new clause:

‘‘(xxiv) section 6055 (relating to returns relating to information regarding health insurance coverage), and’’.

(2) Paragraph (2) of section 6724(d) of such Code is amended by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of subparagraph (EE), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (FF) and inserting ‘‘, or’’ and by inserting after subparagraph (FF) the following new subparagraph:

‘‘(GG) section 6055(c) (relating to statements relating to information regarding health insurance coverage).’’.

(c) NOTIFICATION OF NONENROLLMENT.—Not later than June 30 of each year, the Secretary of the Treasury, acting through the Internal Revenue Service and in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, shall send a notification to each individual who files an individual income tax return and who is not enrolled in minimum essential coverage (as defined in section 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986). Such notification shall contain information on the services available through the Exchange operating in the State in which such individual resides.

(d) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of subparts for part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 of such Code is amended by inserting after the item relating to subpart C the following new item:


(e) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by this section shall apply to calendar years beginning after 2013.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

 Shakespeare wrote, "that which we call a rose would smell as sweet by any other name."   I have a new name for the  ‘‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’’

The Federal Health Care Insurance 
Regulatory Tax Act

Last I blogged about the taxes added or modified in the Health Care Act.  I promised I would next address the penalties.  There are 132 instances of the word "penalty" in the Act.  The first one I came upon was in



  Subtitle B—Immediate Actions to Preserve and Expand Coverage
 Before I list this section on Penalties let me point out that this is section j.  After section j I have included section h (which is two sections earlier) since it is the section that describes what the penalties are for.  Here it comes.


      (1) PENALTY FEE—

(A) IN GENERAL—Not later than April 1, 2014, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall assess a penalty fee (as determined under subparagraph (B)) against a health plan that has failed to meet the requirements under subsection (h) with respect to certification and documentation
of compliance with—

 (i) the standards and associated operating rules described under paragraph (1) of such subsection; and

 (ii) a standard (as described under subsection (a)(1)(B)) and associated operating rules (as described under subsection (i)(5)) for any other financial and administrative transactions.

(B) FEE AMOUNT—Subject to subparagraphs (C), (D), and (E), the Secretary shall assess a penalty fee against a health plan in the amount of $1 per covered life until certification is complete. The penalty shall be assessed per person covered by the plan for which its data systems for major medical policies are not in compliance and shall be imposed against the health plan for each day that the plan is not in compliance with the requirements under subsection (h).

 (C) ADDITIONAL PENALTY FOR MISREPRESENTATION.—A health plan that knowingly provides inaccurate or incomplete information in a statement of certification or documentation of compliance under subsection (h) shall be subject to a penalty fee that is double the amount that would otherwise be imposed under this subsection.

 (D) ANNUAL FEE INCREASE.—The amount of the penalty fee imposed under this subsection shall be increased on an annual basis by the annual percentage increase in total national health care expenditures, as determined by the Secretary.

 (E) PENALTY LIMIT—A penalty fee assessed against a health plan under this subsection shall not exceed, on an annual basis—

 (i) an amount equal to $20 per covered life under such plan; or

 (ii) an amount equal to $40 per covered life under the plan if such plan has knowingly provided inaccurate or incomplete information (as described under subparagraph (C)).

 (F) DETERMINATION OF COVERED INDIVIDUALS—The Secretary shall determine the number of covered lives under a health plan based upon the most recent statements and filings that have been submitted by such plan to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

 (2) NOTICE AND DISPUTE PROCEDURE.—The Secretary shall establish a procedure for assessment of penalty fees under this subsection that provides a health plan with reasonable notice and a dispute resolution procedure prior to provision of a notice of assessment by the Secretary of the Treasury (as described under paragraph (4)(B)).

 (3) PENALTY FEE REPORT.—Not later than May 1, 2014, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall provide the Secretary of the Treasury with a report identifying those health plans that have been assessed a penalty fee under this subsection.


 (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the Treasury, acting through the Financial Management Service, shall administer the collection of penalty fees from health plans that have been identified by the Secretary in the penalty fee report provided under paragraph (3).

 (B) NOTICE.—Not later than August 1, 2014, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of the Treasury shall provide notice to each health plan that has been assessed a penalty fee by the Secretary under this subsection. Such notice shall include the amount of the penalty fee assessed by the Secretary and the due date for payment of such fee to the Secretary of the Treasury (as described in subparagraph (C)).

 (C) PAYMENT DUE DATE.—Payment by a health plan for a penalty fee assessed under this subsection shall be made to the Secretary of the Treasury not later than November 1, 2014, and annually thereafter.

 (D) UNPAID PENALTY FEES.—Any amount of a penalty fee assessed against a health plan under this subsection for which payment has not been made by the due date provided under subparagraph (C) shall be—

 (i) increased by the interest accrued on such amount, as determined pursuant to the under-payment rate established under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; and

 (ii) treated as a past-due, legally enforceable debt owed to a Federal agency for purposes of section 6402(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

 (E) ADMINISTRATIVE FEES.—Any fee charged or allocated for collection activities conducted by the Financial Management Service will be passed on to a health plan on a pro-rata basis and added to any penalty fee collected from the plan.



 (A) ELIGIBILITY FOR A HEALTH PLAN, HEALTH CLAIM STATUS, ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS, HEALTH CARE PAYMENT AND REMITTANCE ADVICE.—Not later than December 31, 2013, a health plan shall file a statement with the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, certifying that the data and information systems for such plan are in compliance with any applicable standards (as described under paragraph (7) of section 1171) and associated operating rules (as described under paragraph (9) of such section) for electronic funds transfers, eligibility for a health plan, health claim status, and health care payment and remittance advice, respectively.


Not later than December 31, 2015, a health plan shall file a statement with the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, certifying that the data and information systems for such plan are in compliance with any applicable standards and associated operating rules for health claims or equivalent encounter information, enrollment and disenrollment in a health plan, health plan premium payments, health claims attachments, and referral certification and authorization, respectively. A health plan shall provide the same level of documentation to certify compliance with such transactions as is required to certify compliance with the transactions specified in subparagraph (A).

 (2) DOCUMENTATION OF COMPLIANCE.—A health plan shall provide the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, with adequate documentation of compliance with the
standards and operating rules described under paragraph (1). A health plan shall not be considered to have provided adequate documentation and shall not be certified as being in compliance with such standards, unless the health plan—

 (A) demonstrates to the Secretary that the plan conducts the electronic transactions specified in paragraph (1) in a manner that fully complies with the regulations of the Secretary; and

 (B) provides documentation showing that the plan has completed end-to-end testing for such transactions with their partners, such as hospitals and physicians.

 (3) SERVICE CONTRACTS.—A health plan shall be required to ensure that any entities that provide services pursuant to a contract with such health plan shall comply with any applicable certification and compliance requirements (and provide the Secretary with adequate documentation of such compliance) under this subsection.

 (4) CERTIFICATION BY OUTSIDE ENTITY.—The Secretary may designate independent, outside entities to certify that a health plan has complied with the requirements under this subsection, provided that the certification standards employed by such entities are in accordance with any standards or operating rules issued by the Secretary.


 (A) IN GENERAL.—A health plan (including entities described under paragraph (3)) shall file a statement with the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, certifying that the data and information systems for such plan are in compliance with any applicable revised standards and associated operating rules under this subsection for any interim final rule promulgated by the Secretary under subsection (i) that—

 (i) amends any standard or operating rule described under paragraph (1) of this subsection; or

 (ii) establishes a standard (as described under subsection (a)(1)(B)) or associated operating rules (as described under subsection (i)(5)) for any other financial and administrative transactions.

 (B) DATE OF COMPLIANCE.—A health plan shall comply with such requirements not later than the effective date of the applicable standard or operating rule.

 (6) AUDITS OF HEALTH PLANS.—The Secretary shall conduct periodic audits to ensure that health plans (including entities described under paragraph (3)) are in compliance with any standards and operating rules that are described under paragraph (1) or subsection (i)(5).

Yes indeed, I can see how this "simplifies" the whole health care insurance business.  (This is all found in Sec. 1104, ADMINISTRATIVE SIMPLIFICATION.) And it will surely make our health care insurance premiums go down.  I bet there are all sorts of groups who just can not wait to get into the health care insurance business.