Thursday, July 5, 2012

 Shakespeare wrote, "that which we call a rose would smell as sweet by any other name."   I have a new name for the  ‘‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’’

The Federal Health Care Insurance 
Regulatory Tax Act

Last I blogged about the taxes added or modified in the Health Care Act.  I promised I would next address the penalties.  There are 132 instances of the word "penalty" in the Act.  The first one I came upon was in



  Subtitle B—Immediate Actions to Preserve and Expand Coverage
 Before I list this section on Penalties let me point out that this is section j.  After section j I have included section h (which is two sections earlier) since it is the section that describes what the penalties are for.  Here it comes.


      (1) PENALTY FEE—

(A) IN GENERAL—Not later than April 1, 2014, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall assess a penalty fee (as determined under subparagraph (B)) against a health plan that has failed to meet the requirements under subsection (h) with respect to certification and documentation
of compliance with—

 (i) the standards and associated operating rules described under paragraph (1) of such subsection; and

 (ii) a standard (as described under subsection (a)(1)(B)) and associated operating rules (as described under subsection (i)(5)) for any other financial and administrative transactions.

(B) FEE AMOUNT—Subject to subparagraphs (C), (D), and (E), the Secretary shall assess a penalty fee against a health plan in the amount of $1 per covered life until certification is complete. The penalty shall be assessed per person covered by the plan for which its data systems for major medical policies are not in compliance and shall be imposed against the health plan for each day that the plan is not in compliance with the requirements under subsection (h).

 (C) ADDITIONAL PENALTY FOR MISREPRESENTATION.—A health plan that knowingly provides inaccurate or incomplete information in a statement of certification or documentation of compliance under subsection (h) shall be subject to a penalty fee that is double the amount that would otherwise be imposed under this subsection.

 (D) ANNUAL FEE INCREASE.—The amount of the penalty fee imposed under this subsection shall be increased on an annual basis by the annual percentage increase in total national health care expenditures, as determined by the Secretary.

 (E) PENALTY LIMIT—A penalty fee assessed against a health plan under this subsection shall not exceed, on an annual basis—

 (i) an amount equal to $20 per covered life under such plan; or

 (ii) an amount equal to $40 per covered life under the plan if such plan has knowingly provided inaccurate or incomplete information (as described under subparagraph (C)).

 (F) DETERMINATION OF COVERED INDIVIDUALS—The Secretary shall determine the number of covered lives under a health plan based upon the most recent statements and filings that have been submitted by such plan to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

 (2) NOTICE AND DISPUTE PROCEDURE.—The Secretary shall establish a procedure for assessment of penalty fees under this subsection that provides a health plan with reasonable notice and a dispute resolution procedure prior to provision of a notice of assessment by the Secretary of the Treasury (as described under paragraph (4)(B)).

 (3) PENALTY FEE REPORT.—Not later than May 1, 2014, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall provide the Secretary of the Treasury with a report identifying those health plans that have been assessed a penalty fee under this subsection.


 (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the Treasury, acting through the Financial Management Service, shall administer the collection of penalty fees from health plans that have been identified by the Secretary in the penalty fee report provided under paragraph (3).

 (B) NOTICE.—Not later than August 1, 2014, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of the Treasury shall provide notice to each health plan that has been assessed a penalty fee by the Secretary under this subsection. Such notice shall include the amount of the penalty fee assessed by the Secretary and the due date for payment of such fee to the Secretary of the Treasury (as described in subparagraph (C)).

 (C) PAYMENT DUE DATE.—Payment by a health plan for a penalty fee assessed under this subsection shall be made to the Secretary of the Treasury not later than November 1, 2014, and annually thereafter.

 (D) UNPAID PENALTY FEES.—Any amount of a penalty fee assessed against a health plan under this subsection for which payment has not been made by the due date provided under subparagraph (C) shall be—

 (i) increased by the interest accrued on such amount, as determined pursuant to the under-payment rate established under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; and

 (ii) treated as a past-due, legally enforceable debt owed to a Federal agency for purposes of section 6402(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

 (E) ADMINISTRATIVE FEES.—Any fee charged or allocated for collection activities conducted by the Financial Management Service will be passed on to a health plan on a pro-rata basis and added to any penalty fee collected from the plan.



 (A) ELIGIBILITY FOR A HEALTH PLAN, HEALTH CLAIM STATUS, ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS, HEALTH CARE PAYMENT AND REMITTANCE ADVICE.—Not later than December 31, 2013, a health plan shall file a statement with the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, certifying that the data and information systems for such plan are in compliance with any applicable standards (as described under paragraph (7) of section 1171) and associated operating rules (as described under paragraph (9) of such section) for electronic funds transfers, eligibility for a health plan, health claim status, and health care payment and remittance advice, respectively.


Not later than December 31, 2015, a health plan shall file a statement with the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, certifying that the data and information systems for such plan are in compliance with any applicable standards and associated operating rules for health claims or equivalent encounter information, enrollment and disenrollment in a health plan, health plan premium payments, health claims attachments, and referral certification and authorization, respectively. A health plan shall provide the same level of documentation to certify compliance with such transactions as is required to certify compliance with the transactions specified in subparagraph (A).

 (2) DOCUMENTATION OF COMPLIANCE.—A health plan shall provide the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, with adequate documentation of compliance with the
standards and operating rules described under paragraph (1). A health plan shall not be considered to have provided adequate documentation and shall not be certified as being in compliance with such standards, unless the health plan—

 (A) demonstrates to the Secretary that the plan conducts the electronic transactions specified in paragraph (1) in a manner that fully complies with the regulations of the Secretary; and

 (B) provides documentation showing that the plan has completed end-to-end testing for such transactions with their partners, such as hospitals and physicians.

 (3) SERVICE CONTRACTS.—A health plan shall be required to ensure that any entities that provide services pursuant to a contract with such health plan shall comply with any applicable certification and compliance requirements (and provide the Secretary with adequate documentation of such compliance) under this subsection.

 (4) CERTIFICATION BY OUTSIDE ENTITY.—The Secretary may designate independent, outside entities to certify that a health plan has complied with the requirements under this subsection, provided that the certification standards employed by such entities are in accordance with any standards or operating rules issued by the Secretary.


 (A) IN GENERAL.—A health plan (including entities described under paragraph (3)) shall file a statement with the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, certifying that the data and information systems for such plan are in compliance with any applicable revised standards and associated operating rules under this subsection for any interim final rule promulgated by the Secretary under subsection (i) that—

 (i) amends any standard or operating rule described under paragraph (1) of this subsection; or

 (ii) establishes a standard (as described under subsection (a)(1)(B)) or associated operating rules (as described under subsection (i)(5)) for any other financial and administrative transactions.

 (B) DATE OF COMPLIANCE.—A health plan shall comply with such requirements not later than the effective date of the applicable standard or operating rule.

 (6) AUDITS OF HEALTH PLANS.—The Secretary shall conduct periodic audits to ensure that health plans (including entities described under paragraph (3)) are in compliance with any standards and operating rules that are described under paragraph (1) or subsection (i)(5).

Yes indeed, I can see how this "simplifies" the whole health care insurance business.  (This is all found in Sec. 1104, ADMINISTRATIVE SIMPLIFICATION.) And it will surely make our health care insurance premiums go down.  I bet there are all sorts of groups who just can not wait to get into the health care insurance business. 

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