- The last American troops left Iraq for Kuwait December 18, 2011.
- December 22, 2011, in various attacks/bombings in Iraq 63 died, 160 were injured.
- January 5, 2012, 73 dead, 149 injured
- January 14, 2012, 53 dead, 141 injured
- January 27, 2012, 32 dead, 71 injured
- February 23, 2012, 83 dead, 250+ injured
- March 7, 2012, 14 dead, 24 injured
- March 12, 2012, 14 dead 13 injured
It appears to me that this President's goal for Iraq was to get our troops out. (Let's say we won and leave.) According to Defense Department numbers available on the internet, over 3400 Americans died in combat in Iraq since 2003. But that is history, isn't it. All is good, our troops are out, no more fighting. Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all.