Friday, March 16, 2012

No Americans were harmed in this report

I believe that our President will be making a great deal in this election year of the fact that he has gotten all our troops out of Iraq. Not much news since; things must be great. I have been doing some web "surfing" to see what the news is concerning Iraq since our troops left. Here are some numbers from what I read.

  • The last American troops left Iraq for Kuwait December 18, 2011.
  • December 22, 2011, in various attacks/bombings in Iraq 63 died, 160 were injured.
  • January 5, 2012, 73 dead, 149 injured
  • January 14, 2012, 53 dead, 141 injured
  • January 27, 2012, 32 dead, 71 injured
  • February 23, 2012, 83 dead, 250+ injured
  • March 7, 2012, 14 dead, 24 injured
  • March 12, 2012, 14 dead 13 injured
I make no claim that the above list is complete; it is what I found in a brief search of on line news reports since December 18, 2011. The numbers are probably on the low side, but the total from above is 332 dead, 809+ injured in bombings and other attacks in Iraq.

It appears to me that this President's goal for Iraq was to get our troops out. (Let's say we won and leave.) According to Defense Department numbers available on the internet, over 3400 Americans died in combat in Iraq since 2003. But that is history, isn't it. All is good, our troops are out, no more fighting. Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Question

This is a very political time. Every time I hear a politician drone on, I ask myself, what do I expect of government? It is a lot tougher question than it first appears to be. I do not have a complete and efficient answer, but here is a thought.

I expect a government to provide good order and safety. Government is a collective of the people to provide each with basic needs. Among these the most basic for me is the need to feel safe from harm. The government provides this, locally, with police, and nationally with a military. If we have no trust in our police or our military, then we lack our most basic need, and we must find another way to insure that we satisfy that need.

I have noted in the news lately, an increase in the purchase of guns, and an increase the number of shooting ranges. On TV there are shows like, "Top Shot" and "Sons of Guns." I have to ask myself, are we losing trust in government to provide for our most basic need. If we are, why?

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Next few Months will be .... Memorable

I don't know what has been happening in your life, but I am concerned about the direction we are headed. Personally, I have a very good medical plan. I am retired military with over 25 years of service. Between Medicare and my military supplement, I have it better than a lot of people, I know. But since the affordable health care act passed I have seen the cost of my family's plan go up. Our prescription drug co-pays have nearly doubled, and our dental plan has gone up over $70 a year for the same benefits. Walgreens no longer accepts the military retirees' prescription drug plan.

If this new law is so great why have more than half the States joined in a suit to declare it unconstitutional? Could it be that this one law could bankrupt the states when they are already in financial trouble?

Below are excerpts from an article in today's New York Times. I have highlighted some of the things I find most interesting. Remember this is our "open and transparent" White House.

White House Works to Shape Debate Over Health Law
Published: March 9, 2012 New York Times


The White House has begun an aggressive campaign to use approaching Supreme Court arguments on the new health care law as a moment to build support for the measure seen as President Obama’s signature legislative achievement, hoping to shape public opinion on an issue at the center of the battle for the White House and Congress.

On Wednesday, White House officials summoned dozens of leaders of nonprofit organizations that strongly back the health law to help them coordinate plans for a prayer vigil, press conferences and other events outside the court when justices hear arguments for three days beginning March 26.
White House officials denied that they were trying to gin up support by encouraging rallies outside the Supreme Court,
But they appear to have decided that they cannot risk allowing the court proceedings to unfold without making sure that backers of the sweeping overhaul will be prominent and outspoken.
At the White House meeting on Wednesday, a wide range of advocates representing consumers and people with diseases and disabilities — as well as doctors and nurses, labor unions and religious organizations — discussed plans to bolster the landmark law, which is being challenged by 26 states as unconstitutional.

Supporters of the law plan to hold events outside the court on each day of oral argument. The events include speeches by people with medical problems who have benefited or could benefit from the law. In addition, supporters will arrange for radio hosts to interview health care advocates at a “radio row,” at the United Methodist Building on Capitol Hill.

People who attended the meeting on Wednesday said the speakers included Jennifer Palmieri, deputy communications director at the White House; Jon Carson, director of the president’s Office of Public Engagement; Jeanne M. Lambrew, deputy assistant to the president for health policy; and Mark B. Childress, a deputy chief of staff at the White House.
A White House official who attended the session said that at least 100 people were present, but he declined to provide a list of their organizations.
In the week before the Supreme Court arguments, administration officials will fan out around the country and join local groups in celebrating the second anniversary of the law, signed by Mr. Obama on March 23, 2010.
Backers of the law said they would use data supplied by the White House to show how the law had reduced drug costs for older Americans, guaranteed free preventive care for millions of people and allowed many children to stay on their parents’ insurance policies.
Groups working with the White House include the Service Employees International Union; the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; Health Care for America Now, a consumer coalition that fought for passage of the legislation; Protect Your Care, a nonprofit group created last year to defend the 2010 law; and the Center for American Progress, a research and advocacy group with close ties to the White House.

One last note. Most of this Act does not take effect until 2014.