Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Question

This is a very political time. Every time I hear a politician drone on, I ask myself, what do I expect of government? It is a lot tougher question than it first appears to be. I do not have a complete and efficient answer, but here is a thought.

I expect a government to provide good order and safety. Government is a collective of the people to provide each with basic needs. Among these the most basic for me is the need to feel safe from harm. The government provides this, locally, with police, and nationally with a military. If we have no trust in our police or our military, then we lack our most basic need, and we must find another way to insure that we satisfy that need.

I have noted in the news lately, an increase in the purchase of guns, and an increase the number of shooting ranges. On TV there are shows like, "Top Shot" and "Sons of Guns." I have to ask myself, are we losing trust in government to provide for our most basic need. If we are, why?

1 comment:

  1. I will answer part of the question ~ for me only~

    OH YES!!!

    Why? Gets into a very political answer.

    Yes, I hate controversy that's why I hesitate to answer the last part> :)
