It's called the Affordable
Health Care Act, now a public law. I
have read much of the 900+pages and I am amazed at the amount of money consumed by this law that claims to be such a landmark for "affordable" health care.
Below is the summary table
from the current budget proposal for HHS
2014 President’s Budget for HHS
(dollars in millions)
Budget Authority
Total Outlays
Full-time Equivalents (FTE)
To compare those figures, here is similar
data from the last three budgets of the Bush Administration.[ FY2009 budget
proposal for HHS, was the last proposal by the Bush administration in 2008.]
FY 2009 President’s Budget for HHS
(dollars in millions)
Budget Authority
Full-Time Equivalents
[FTE can most easily be described as the number of full time
Growth during the Obama administration
Personnel – 11,890
Dollars - $243,187,000,000.00
That's a two hundred forty-three billion, one hundred
eighty-seven million dollar increase
in the five years since President Obama took office, and nearly a 50% increase
from the 2007 budget.
Budgets are all about money, usually money being spent. The HHS budget proposal for FY2014 makes over
100 references to "affordable care."
Here are some excerpts.
The Budget includes $389 million in discretionary and
mandatory funding for the Office of Inspector
General (OIG), an increase of $101
million above the FY 2012 level. This increase will enable OIG to expand
CMS Program Integrity efforts for the Health Care Fraud Prevention and
Enforcement Action Team and improper payments, and also enhance investigative efforts focused on civil fraud, oversight of
grants, and the operation of Affordable Care Act programs.
Health centers are an essential primary care provider for
America’s most vulnerable populations and are a critical component of the healthcare
system as more individuals gain insurance coverage and access health care
services through the Affordable Care Act. The
Budget includes $3.8 billion for the Health Center program, including $2.2
billion in mandatory funding provided through the Affordable Care Act Community
Health Center Fund. In FY 2014, the Health Center Program will support more
than 1,200 grantees, and serve approximately 23 million patients.
IHS estimates that the Affordable Care
Act will increase health insurance reimbursements by $95 million in FY 2014.
These resources will allow IHS to address the needs of its ever-expanding
population and provide additional health care, further reducing health
disparities in the American Indian and Alaska Native population. However,
estimating the amount of the increase
IHS will collect in FY 2014 is complicated
both by a lack of information about which states will choose to expand Medicaid and uncertainty
about the number of American Indians and
Alaska Natives who will become eligible
because of expansion and will continue
to use IHS services.
Additionally, the FY 2014 Budget includes $10 million to enable public health agencies to seek reimbursement
from insurance companies for infectious disease testing covered because of the implementation of the
Affordable Care Act.
Budget includes a total of $100 million
for Patient-Centered Health Research
(also known as Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research or Comparative Effectiveness Research),
through the Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research Trust Fund (PCORTF). The PCORTF, established
by the Affordable Care Act, transfers funding to HHS to build research
capacity, translate and disseminate comparative clinical effectiveness research,
and establish grants to train researchers. In FY 2014, investments will build
on current AHRQ efforts, such as programs to train researchers in methods and
standards for conducting patient-centered outcomes research and dissemination
and translation efforts.
Affordable Care Act includes an additional $350 million in program integrity
resources over 10 years, plus an inflation adjustment. It provides
unprecedented tools to CMS and law enforcement to protect Medicare, Medicaid,
and CHIP from fraud, waste, and abuse.
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