Thursday, January 6, 2011

Morning TV

This morning I was watching the Today show on NBC. I was watching because Harry Smith is no longer on The Early Show on CBS. I enjoyed Harry's laid back soft approach. Who whats confrontation at 7 AM? I just want some lighter news and a little entertainment to start my day. Now it seems CBS is trying to emulate the other two major networks.

So, this morning I thought, I'll give the Today show another try. It didn't last long. Early into the show, Meredith was interviewing some Republican Congresswoman. The Congresswoman never got to finish a sentence. Midway through each of her replies Meredith would interrupt with another question, "Yes, but......" If you ask a question shouldn't you listen to the reply? Meredith seemed to be on a campaign to get an embarrassing sound bite for the evening news.

I guess that Meredith's reply to my complaint would be, "it's my job." Well, my response to that would be, it is not your job, it is the way you or your boss defines your job. And it is not what I want to hear at 7:40 AM.

I was on the CBS morning show, once. It was the 1957 Boy Scout Jamboree from Valley Forge. I was a Boy Scout in the audience. The host of the Morning Show was Jimmy Dean. Yep the same Jimmy Dean that made the sausage patty sandwiches. It was a lot of fun, and I had a good time to start my day.

I miss Dave Garroway and J. Fredd Muggs. You kids can look that one up. I'm sorry, you can "Google" it.

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